solo ElectroACOUSTIC bASSOON Bibliography

I have complied an annotated bibliography of all of the solo bassoon repertoire and resources in the contemporary and electroacoustic domains! For a term paper in a graduate Repertoire and Pedagogy course, I decided to write the bibliography in order to provide an updated resource on available music for electroacoustic bassoon. I have posted it here as a resource for individual use to make locating electroacoustic repertoire a simpler task.

I searched through all of the existing source materials that I could scour to piece this together, but it is likely not exhaustive! If you can find any repertoire or relevant resources that are not included in the bibliography, please get in touch with me and inform me of them! I intend to keep this up to date over time, and your comments aid me in this process.

The bibliography in its current form can be found at the link below:
